All Communities

29 total

All Members Community  

  last person joined 16 hours ago

Breastfeeding Continuity of Care  

This Virtual Community welcomes NACCHO & CDC grantees working on breastfeeding community support continuity of care and the Breastfeeding-Friendly health centers. This is a space for sharing useful resources and upcoming related trainings, peer learning and Q &A from other communities working in similar projects and activities. We encourage you to be an active participant and take advantage of this space.
This is a invitation-only community. If you would like to add a team member, please contact

  last person joined 7 months ago

Climate Change Community of Practice (CoP)  

The Climate Change Community of Practice provides a space for individuals who are interested in and/or work with climate change resilience and mitigation. This Community of Practice will be used to share information, best practices, and resources relevant to climate change and allow for members to virtually network with others who work in this area of public health.

  last person joined 17 days ago

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Congressional Action Network (CAN)  

NACCHO’s Congressional Action Network (CAN) fosters the voice of local health departments in Washington.

  last person joined 3 months ago

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COVID-19 Health Equity Grant (OT2103) Recipients  

This community is comprised of OT2103 grantees and will serve as a resource repository. Both grant recipients and NACCHO staff will be able to share information about various health equity topics and related content.

  last person joined 6 months ago

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Early Childhood Nutrition  

The purpose of the Early Childhood Nutrition virtual community is to provide infant and young toddler nutrition stakeholders a space to share resources, collaborate when appropriate, and network with other stakeholders who are implementing interventions to improve infant and young toddler nutrition.

  last person joined one month ago

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Environmental Health  

Find workgroups related to local environmental health.

  last person joined 2 days ago

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FBI Outbreak Response Community of Practice  

The FBI Outbreak Response Community of Practice provides a space for individuals who are interested in and/or work with FBI Outbreak Response. This Community of Practice will be used to share information, best practices, and resources relevant to FBI Outbreak Response and allow for members to virtually network with others who work in this area of public health

  last person joined 15 hours ago

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Getting Further Faster  

  last person joined 2 months ago

HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis Learning Community  

This community is a space for learning, engagement, and information sharing among local health department officials and staff who work on HIV, STIs, and/or hepatitis.

  last person joined 14 hours ago

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Infection Prevention and Control Living Learning Network (LLN)  

This Living Learning Network aims to support local health department staff looking to build subject matter expertise related to infection prevention and control (IPC). The goal of this network is to bolster local health department capacity related to IPC by creating space for peer discussions, hosting expert presentations, and sharing CDC’s Project Firstline training materials.

  last person joined 15 hours ago

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Informatics Champions  

The Informatics Champions workgroup comprises local public health practitioners interested in learning about public health informatics and sharing their knowledge with other jurisdictions. The primary focus of the champion initiative is to promote the continuing development of informatics knowledge within the local public health community. The Workgroup’s mission includes:
1) Increase awareness of LHDs on national informatics issues, tools, and best practices provided by NACCHO;
2) Increase awareness within NACCHO of LHD informatics needs and effective practices;
3) Identify local public health informatics expertise within a given state.

  last person joined 8 days ago

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Local Health Department Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial ...  

This virtual community aims to support local health department staff looking to strengthen LHD capacity for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance (AR) prevention and response by piloting and implementing the CDC Local Health Department Strategy for HAI/AR. The goal of this community is to bolster local health department capacity related to HAI/AR by creating space for peer discussions, hosting expert presentations, and sharing resources.

  last person joined one year ago

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Local Health IT Community of Practice  

Bringing together local health IT staff from across the country to share tips and best practices.​

  last person joined 16 days ago

Medical Reserve Corps  

Find workgroups related to the Medical Reserve Corps.

  last person joined 3 months ago

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Model Aquatic Health Code Network  

The Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) Network is a community for MAHC users, subject matter experts, and those hoping to learn about the code itself. Members will receive updates on the code, have access and provide input to newly developed resources, and join bi-monthly webinars featuring the code and users.

  last person joined 28 days ago

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NACCHO Annual  

Connect with your peers and attendees at NACCHO Annual.

  last person joined 3 days ago

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NACCHO Toolbox  

A group for you to discuss important tools, make suggestions for new tools, and request an online demonstration of the Toolbox. The Toolbox is a free, online collection of public health tools that have been created and shared by members of the health community. You can visit the Toolbox at

  last person joined 8 days ago

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National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) Community of Practice  

National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) Community of Practice

  last person joined 6 years ago

Network for Vector Control Professionals  

This community is for members of vector surveillance and control programs in local health departments and other organizations. In this community, members can connect with other vector control staff, share best practices, lessons learned, and resources related to vector surveillance and control. Members consist of representatives from local health departments, vector control organizations, nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.

  last person joined 3 months ago

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